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Sustainable Mohair Socks and other products from The Goat Company

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Mohair Socks 

Mohair socks are smooth, strong and very hard wearing. Ideal for sensitive feet, warm in winter, cool in summer.
The silky mohair fibre means socks remain sweat and odour free.

Our sock range covers all needs, smart everyday socks, walking and sports socks and even socks for those with poor circulation.

They last for ages and once you try them we know you will be back for more.

If you're a keen walker why not check out our "Rangers Mohair Walking Socks"

Q. Why are your Mohair socks cheaper than other retailers?
A. Although our Mohair socks are knitted for us elsewhere in the UK, all the other processes are carried out on the farm, this enables us to keep our costs down.
Q. Why are your Mohair socks softer than other Mohair socks we have tried?
A. We only use gentle processes, no harsh chemicals, in order to maintain the softness and lustre of the Mohair fibre.
Q. Are Mohair socks hardwearing?
A. Mohair is a very strong fibre, we have many customers still wearing socks that are five years old.
Q. How do you wash Mohair socks?
A. Mohair socks are machine washable at 400C, but we do not recommend tumble drying as this may felt them.
Q. Do Mohair socks itch?
A. Mohair fibres are smooth like ones own hair, they do not irritate, even those sensitive to wool find them comfortable.

Feeling Adventurous?

How about adding some colour and life in to your feet!

Go on make someone smile!

Checkout the Harlequin socks for Christmas!

 DSC9972 random sock short ranger

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Copyright 2025 - The Goat Company

telephoneTel: 01873 860240 10:00 am to 6:00pm

Mob: 0755 3226757

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